Leadership Communications

100  day
listening report

Elevating Leadership Communications

During the chancellor’s first 100 days in the position, she conducted a series of listening sessions with the CU Denver community around topics such as the university’s identity, its purpose, what it does well and where it struggles. The 100 Days of Listening report highlights the outcome of those discussions and serves as the foundation for CU Denver’s strategic planning process. Working with senior leadership, we determined the best approach and structure to share the information of the sessions and how they could roll into the longer strategic planning process.


CU Denver




Strategic Advisor |
Creative Lead |
UX/UI Designer

Overall Scope
Create an impactful peice that communicates to interal and external audiences about the work the chancellor has done over her first 100 days. The main goal for this project was to build momentum and excitement for the launch of the strategic planning process to come.
 In-house team (1 designer, 2 content writers)

30 Days

Working in unison with senior leadership, I advised the group on distribution methods, content structure for clear storytelling, and helped the team format content for different distribution methods through detailed outlines and wireframes. Bringing digital expertise to the group, I was relied on for creating a seemless experience between the teaser site, digital report and promotional materials.
End Product
Original ask was for a printed report, but after working with  the team and taking into consideration the environment  in which this report would release from, during Covid, it was decided that a combination of a digital report with accompanying  teaser site would have a more lasting effect and also be able to more elegantly roll into the strategic planning process which was to follow on the heals of this work.  The distribution methods for the final product ranged form email, social and website promotion, personal touch points, reoccurring communication channels such as newsletters and articles, and cross promotion through events such as the Chancellor’s state of the campus address.
The end result was extremely well received by not only faculty & staff on campus but also by senior leadership, external partners, donors,  and members of the community. It helped create an positive and enthusiastic energy perfect to launch into the university’s strategic planning process. 
Below is some of the feedback received from the community:

Stakeholder feedback